Sunday, August 12, 2007

Be-bratz games download

be-bratz games

There is a new game for the Bratz - its called BE-BRATZ.COM

Be-bratz games download currently offer Be-bratz webcam.
I checked out be-Bratz games site and they're telling this about download:

Installing Driver Software

1. Click the Download be-Bratz Webcam Software button and save the file to your computer.
2. Double click on the file PC_Camera_1043W_070328.exe to start the installation.
3. Follow the steps in the installation wizard.
4. Once the software is installed you should be able to use your Be-Bratz Webcam.

Note: If the camera does not work or the PC cannot detect it, please refer to the troubleshooting section in your™ Webcam manual.

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